Thursday, September 10, 2009

No more SWOLE left in the gym!!!!

What a GREAT workout tonight?!!!!

As usual... I was procrastinating going to the gym.
In my defense I got A LOT done today.
I went to talk to my cousin's Special Ed class (they sent me cards while I was in Iraq)...
and the JROTC class at his school (they sent me 11 boxes while I was over there) to say thanks.
On the way back I hit up an AMAZING fruit stand and spent $30 on fruits and veggies. YUMM-O!
Then went grocery shopping for the rest.

I got greek yogurt. I've never tried it before...
and I gotta say... So creamy and smooth!

Then I finally got off my butt and hit the Hurlburt Field gym.
As usual ... the ONLY girl in there.
Then 40 min on the treadmill at 12% incline... doing my little thing I do...
turning around to walk backwards... skipping... hopping... kareokes... side shuffles...
I'm sure it looks ridiculous... but it's alot of fun and it GETS MY HEART PUMPING!!!

I'm beat... time for bed.

1 comment:

  1. well it'll be a sight with 2 chicas doing that LOL over at Hurbie.

    Oh greek yogurt DELISH try a bit of stevia fruits whatever ahhh
